who needs the world

Sunday, October 30, 2005

hello blog! i havent been here to visit you since so long ago. ive been sleeping alot. aloysius said that he knew a guy who grew 2 cm a day frm sleeping so much. i hope i can grow 3 cm a day. had physics lesson in the morning yesterday. i think mr yau is such a nice guy. and it's nice to know that he trusts us (: chinese o's tomorrow and i dnt really know my stuff. (yet). i (dont) feel like taking the paper. it's such a big sucker. i hate you, chinese o level.

life's been weird. if i were to draw a heart-rate thing about it, it'll be mostly a horizontal line with an occassional peak here and there. ack i shall go brush my teeth hahaha.

ps: i had a nightmare yesterday! omgness it was so freaky! i dreamed that tmr's emath paper2, and i realized at the lastest minute that i didnt practise my emath AT ALL. so like, im actually gna sit for the paper without any prior practise. that is fecking scary!! ok thats all byebye. please draw. i love you. you guys a such great artists (not).

pps: im so enlightened by the giant teapot with holy water thing. that is really stupid. and sky kingdom is such a stupid name. it sounds like a storybook that you read to kids to bluff them kinda thing. sky kingdom is such a retarded thing. thank God hana is the Ayah Pin. i bet that's like, a giant pin or smth HAHAHA

ppps: i love our class blog. it's funny. funny as in, weird funny and ha ha funny. it cracks me up lah.

Monday, October 24, 2005

ben woke me up at 6 30 this morn so i could go to school for physics BUT i dno why i was so tired and my bones were aching, so i didnt go school. i feel guilty now. sorry mr yau :l had tuition at qian's place with mr loh yesterday. i cant stand amath. i will never ever be able to stand math. eew. we've been having math tuition twice a week now so that he can earn an extra 600 bucks. how brilliant.

uh oh uh oh chem prac tmr its the real thing no kidding i hope its not gna be tough i dno why its so weird but im typing all these in a single breath. i hope they dont make the lab too warm because i really hate it. i hope its gna be easy peasy, and that has a chance of like, 10% of happening or thereabout.

i feeeeeel sick. hello ayah pin.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

i read the book and i cried. not out loud, but almost did, but i really did cry inside and i shook with feelings that do not have names yet.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

you,you,you,you,you, me.
i -heart- you guys.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

good bye

there. living as you like it.

SSNG! MNG! THNG! CHNG! dear sarah c. you kimchi tree, what is MNG? last official day of school tomorrow. i really wonder what it's gonna be like. mofo finally came to school today i missed you! wonder what next year is gna be like. kinda freaky if you start to think abt it. ah well. what must come will come. talking bout that mommy and audrey are flying over tomorrow. she's the cutest lil thing ever. like, EVER! trust me on that (:

so long, farewell,
i hate to say goodbye
to you, and you,
and you and you and you.

i'll miss you MonStars. i McLove you guys.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

this night feels funny. its not like any other ordinary night. i cant explain why. i did half of xinmin amath paper and a few chem questions frm st nicks paper. thats very little i know, but it hardly bothers me tonight. i cant explain why. i want to go cj for first 3 mths but i dnt know if i can make it or not. i really hope i do because now i really want to go cj for first 3 mths. i cant explain why. there certainly is a lot of things that i cant explain tonight. i cant explain why.

today shar and i invented the McLanguage. its the sacred language of McDonalds. i did tkgs amath paper2 just now at mac's, so it wasnt that bad. and i had McFLUFFY! (: i love McFLUFFY! who doesnt?! tomorrow is tuesday. last official day of school on friday. uh oh. talking about tomorrow, we're all gonna have McBreakfast (is that wat mac's call their breakfast stuff?) during recess tomorrow YEEHAW!

a feeling that has not occured to me in a while has again arrived...and to tell you the truth, it only felt this way when she and i split. This has taken me by surprise, and it has brought me to my knees again. To be honest, I do not want you to go away, and i pray you don't. However, for better or for worse, what must come will come, and you'll be the sandra i know for the present, the past, and for the years to come.

because you have tamed me.

dear boy, i do miss you. and i cant explain why.