who needs the world

Friday, September 30, 2005

i dont know what to feel. its confusing. i made improvements from mid year, but somehow when those improvements are put together they seem so slight they hardly made a difference at all. but my mom's happy for me cos of the improvements, and she's actually flying in for the graduation ceremony. i love my mom for being such a great mom that she is. lit is definitely disappointing. i thought i'd do better for twelfth night than for kotc cos i actually went thru the whole shakespearen text and the notes that she gave us, whereas i barely flipped thru the notes that i wrote last year for kotc. in the end only kotc was okay. the rest are crap. that definitely sucked big time. the other subjects are definitely bad. i gotta slog my ass off for math. i better do. sop and i decided to stay back everyday for whats left of the weeks before the big O's. im scared lah.

i think mr yau is The Magic. like, OMG!! (: at least i qualify for jc now, but the thing is, i dno which to go. or shd i just go MI and have more fun. haiyer this is what you get for being dumb. i hate menses.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh im freaking out uh oh uh oh im feeling nauseous plus i jsut got my menses and my nose bled today and those are like bad signs right shit im so gonna die and when i look towards the right of the laptop all i see is the face of my cousins boyfriend looking all retarded i fel like thrusting the fork up his nose.


so much has been going on but i havent had the time to blog. im gonna miss having fun when tomorrow comes. first off, im gna do badly. somehow i just feel it in my bones.

the barbecue at peiying's was great! haha leesi and huey are obviously champions of the barbecue competition. they are like, the best barbecuers man. shar and i had tonnes of fun climbing over peiying's gates and standing on the ledge singing christmas songs and waving at passing cars and saying HELLO to people walking by.

ive been eating so much i think its becoming a sin. eating too much food is a sin you know. today afie gave me her CAT shirt. hahah how fun. i love vj. they have three tree-houses and two swings. vj is the best. vj vj i love thee.

before typing i had a lot to say, but now that ive started typing my mind is a complete blank i dont know what to say. or rather, im too lazy now to type what i wanted to type. ah well. i want to sleep. bye bye.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Among thy fancies,
tell me this,

What is the thing we call a kiss?

I shall resolve ye what it is:

It is a creature born and bred Between the lips,
all cherry-red,

By love and warm desires fed,

And makes more soft the bridal bed.

It is an active flame, that flies

First to the babies of the eyes,
And charms them there with lullabies,
And stills the bride, too, when she cries.

Then to the chin, the cheek, the ear,
It frisks and flies, now here, now there:

'Tis now far off, and then 'tis near,

And here, and there, and every where.

Has it a speaking virtue? Yes.

How speaks it, say? Do you but this,
Part your join'd lips, then speaks your kiss;

And this Love's sweetest language is.

Has it a body? Ay, and wings,

With thousand rare encolourings;

And as it flies, it gently sings
Love honey yields, but never stings.

Monday, September 12, 2005

today shar came over to do amath, but we fell asleep on the floor after doing 3 questions or so. i woke up and walked towards the bed. 5 minutes later shar woke up and slept on the bed too.

that is the story of our very fruitful afternoon doing amath. oh, and i had very interesting dreams. they were like short stories compiled together haha. in one, anisha was the hero who jumped into the drained to get one of her friends' thing, and everybody around her (including me) were like OOoh. cant remember the rest but t'was fun dreaming. i love dreaming good dreams.

options for first 3 months:
1. sell tissue paper
2. go overseas
3. drown my sorrow in shopping

but most of all, i want to die. i shall die a glamorous death, clad in gucci from head to toe, wearing chanel sunnies and jimmy choo killer heels, carrying lv and using vertu phone- for sop to call me before the pop the pill of course, after which i can pop mine. and both of us shall hog the headlines and be famous for a noble cause: trying to get the exact taste of that really poisonous pill yau talked about. -sigh- how dramatic. i love high end dramas, especially those starring me.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

baby, i heart you so.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

i'll miss cedar and be happy. happy as in:

MADLY happy not just heehee smiling happy but genuinely happy i can feel my heart smiling and swelling with the happiness of being everything that i am. its not just any kind of happy that i can find elsewhere.

get it?
no you dont, unless you're one of them girls.

for who else share the passion of founding temporary societies like Give Up On School and FPG. and being really retarded and act like other people are the retarded ones when they give weird looks. and laugh in a few seconds for no apparent reason. and make use of our clever inventions of new languages that nobody else understands. and have cheap thrills like acting out Oprah's show during PE lessons.

i swear there are none who can compare to you guys in terms of awesomity and insanity and gullibility and fun..ninity. oh man i cant help it i feel like crying. i was looking at the old class pictures ( the official one where everybody fails to look good except kate ) and the messages that my girlfriends left at the opposite pages. i miss those times. im really really gonna miss you guys. i cant imagine being in a new school full of people i dont know (maybe not all, but still). i cant imagine how im gna be next year. jc's definitely gna change all of us, even if just for a little bit. im not exactly looking forward to that change. i'll probly cry my eyes out on grad night and look really bad with all the watery makeup stuff.

here's to doing childish stuff like wetting the toilet paper and sticking them up on the ceiling, like changing the direction of the exit signs, like trying to scare teachers with the scary cardboard monsters.
here's to being observant to spidermien's spaceship shoes, to ooi's flabby arms while she was shaking the benedict solution, to jelani's sexy bicycle and tight clothes.
here's to cutting queues in the canteen and ordering 15 plates of horfun at one go, to have always been wanting to hide behind that huge tree during jogging (and now we dnt have the chance anymore shar).
here's to keeping the extra tray of muffins in the homec room drawer, to get mr chew do our DnT stuff, to being defiant.

here's to my girl friends,
who made me understand what being a true friend is,
who shared the major and little ups and downs,
who'll make cry my eyes out on grad night,
who'll make me laugh with fondness and tear with (insert the noun of missing)when i think back of this moment in life.

i'll so freaking miss you guys to bits.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

i cant wait for prelims to be over!! not that im ready for prelims, if i am at all. for the record, qian and i are gna see mr loh for 3 times this week. and im gna see mr loo for 3 times this week. does that sound like a holiday to you? hell, i dont think so. shar and i have decided to study together everyday next week after the papers. and if we talk, we've come up with the (not so) perfect solution of slapping ourselves. that would be pretty retarded. imagine: two girls slapping themselves and laughing at the same time. no wait, that would be VERY retarded.

gg for the triple cheese pizza thing tomorrow with qian, before gg for pedi, before gg to her hse to see mr loh's very handsome face (: im kidding. but qian's maid thinks he's handsome. btw her maid is really cute. she scurries around, just like how ooi used to. man, i miss sec2. lalala.

i think there's a worm in my system. im hungry again. i cant decide whether to eat oreo o's first then bathe, or bathe first then eat oreo o's.

man everybody's venturing into online business now and theyre actually earning cash frm it. my cousin and i should start digging out all the junk and sell them too. bet we'll be rich. i love her! thats pretty random (:

1. light sabre
2. bathrobe
3. jukebox

(: santa claus is coming to town

Monday, September 05, 2005

i think some people just have to get over it and be less narrow minded. i mean, really. for pete's sake. this whole backstabbing thing is getting old school.

Friday, September 02, 2005

all ye bloody english

hello hello thanks to all those who tagged:

shar- yeah im more used to bra
qian- im not gna say anything to xiaoman, since yulaoshi invented it.
yanyi- i hope everything's better with you too now! (:
hulilin- hahah love you cheerleading junior! work hard for next yr we'll be back!
nelly - duuuh OBVIOUSLY you're better off. he's $*#@!
john- hi dude! gimme your url again i sort of forgot :l thnks for passing by

been pretty busy lately. we had english prelim paper today and it sucked big time. like, BEEG TIME man. i dno what on earth was gg on, it's like we had to copy the whole chunk off the passage for summary. prelims off to a bad start. what more can i say abt all the other subjects. im so fried this time round.

next week is crucial. its like hanging at the tip of a glacier. im gna fall im gna fall im gna fall. BAH.